I have never been as disappointed as I have been in recent times. One major one occurred last week, while listening to Wazobia 95.1 FM Monday or was it Tuesday, Yaw had people call in to play a game. Guess what it was? Reciting the 3 time-tables and God, the response was so embarrassing. Imagine babas and big uncles fumbling over 3 time-tables. Only one woman got it right before I got so upset and changed the channel.
To think that they knew they couldn’t recite it but still called in to make a fool of themselves. Didn’t they attend primary school; didn’t they sing the 2, 3, and 4 … time-table rhyme?
May I give some advice?
First, Pleeease spare your fellow radio audience the embarrassment of burying their heads in shame for your own follies.
Second, go and learn your country’s national anthem, the Ten Commandments. You never know when you may need it.
N.B: Kindly leave your comments and any other suggestions on what we need to remember.
Ha, ha-ha... pretty much funny, what we need to remember is: brush your hair, cos you're gonna need it in the future not this moment!!